
"Merry Xmas"

This Saturday I woke up about ten o´clock, with a little hangover, in a friend house. A week ago I went to my neighbor backyard and I stole a Christmas tree by order of my grandpa, that was a difficult mission, but not impossible, I fall into a zarzamora and a dog bite me but it worth. True History.

Well in my home this holydays are very important, the planning of the dinner begins a few days before, all of us have a special and exclusive mission like light the barbecue and keep it, or prepare the salads, stuff the turkey, gift wrap the presents out of sight of the little children, all of this kind of stuff.

This time, the entire celebration turns around, the littlest person of my family, my niece Maite, she is about four years old, and she likes to be rounded by her loved people, she is scared by Santa, she thought that he is a big bad fat man, who watch to the children all the time, after heard that is unavoidable be agree with that. Because of that she don´t want gift from him, the only thing that she wants was have a dinner with a lot of food and happiness. That’s is the true spirit of Christmas  

Oh! she also wants to see the Grinsh, she said to me that she like him because is green and funny. That was a really good holyday.

My Favourite Xmas Song... muajajajaja ! ♪

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