
"My Favourite Beach"

Well is funny,  if you read some of my previous publications, my favourite beach is spelled in the most of these.
Like I metioned in the previous publications, I lived in the central shore of O´higgins the sixth region of Chile. I lived in this place at least fourteen years, that was good times.
In Pichilemu after the school we, I with a few friends, went to the "Puntilla Beach" like as routine, especially on fridays. Some weekends we went to take some waves, I wasn´t really good enought in this, obyously I take some waves like the others but after a time I get bored and I began to ride skateboard.
Now I like this beach more than in these times, now that I live in Santiago, after all I still have a home to arrive whatever I want, my crazy hippie big brother keep it I supouse, in his own way, with an smoke and a rifle.

I remember the cool weather, the strong wind, I still hating the sand, specially in the socks and shoes, but i like it´s black colours.

Pichilemu is a good small town, with good and kindly people, full of colours and joy, mostly in greens and blues, I really like that beach!!

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